Australia Phone Number Lookup:

Armidale, Australia phone number: +61 - 2 - 67 - Local Number
Country: Australia
Country code: 61
State: New South Wales
Area Code 2: Armidale, Australia
Capital of Australia: Canberra
Local Time:
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (New South Wales) (EST)
Country Code +61 include: Australia, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Australia Mobile Codes: 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437, 438, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 458, 466
Australia reverse phone lookup 61-2-67 numbers located in: Armidale, Aberfoyle, Arding, Argyle, Ashford, Ashley, Attunga, Auburn Vale, Baan Baa, Balala, Baldersleigh, Balfours Peak, Banoon, Barraba, Barwick, Bellata, Ben Lomond, Bendemeer, Big Jacks Creek, Bingara, Bithramere, Black Mountain, Blackville, Blairmore Nsw, Boggabri, Bohena, Boomi, Boorolong, Breeza, Brigalow Creek, Bukkulla, Bundarra, Bundella, Bunnor, Burren Junction, Careunga, Caroda, Carroll, Cobbadah, Collarenebri, Coolatai, Copeton Dam, Craigleigh, Crooble, Croppa Creek, Culgoora, Curlewis, Currabubula, Curramanga, Cuttabri, Dangarsleigh, Deepwater, Delungra, Diamond Swamp, Drake, Drildool, Dumaresq, Dundee, Dungowan, Duri, Ebor, Edgeroi, Elcombe, Elsmore, Emerald Hill, Emmaville, Eulah Creek, Frazers Creek, Garah, Gil Gil Creek, Gilgai, Glen Elgin, Glen Innes, Glen Morrison, Glencoe Nsw, Goolhi, Gournama, Gowrie, Graman, Gravesend, Gulf Creek, Gundabloui, Gunnedah, Gunyerwarildi, Gurley, Guyra, Halls Creek Nsw, Hallsville, Hanging Rock, Hillgrove Nsw, Ingleba, Inverell, Invergowrie, Keera, Kelvin, Kentucky, Kingstown, Kootingal, Kurrabooma, Limbri, Loomberah, Manilla, Marple, Marys Mount, Maules Creek, Menadool, Merah North, Millers Creek, Millie, Mirriadool, Mole River, Moona Plains, Moor Creek, Moree, Mullaley, Mungindi, Myall Creek, Myall Vale, Narrabri, Nemingha, Newton Boyd, Niangala, Nowendoc, Nullamanna, Nundle, Oakey Creek, Oakwood, Oban, Ogunbil, Orita, Oxley Vale, Pallamallawa, Piallaway, Pilliga, Pine Ridge, Pinkett, Plumthorpe, Premer, Queerbri, Quirindi, Rangari, Rangers Valley, Red Bobs, Red Range, Rob Roy, Rocky Creek, Rowena, Sandy Flat, Somerton Nsw, Spring Creek, Spring Plains, Spring Ridge, Talmoi, Tambar Springs, Tamworth, Tenterden Nsw, Tenterfield, Terry-Hie-Hie, Thalgarrah, Timbumburi, Tingha, Torrington, Tulloona, Tycannah, Upper Horton, Upper Manilla, Uralla, Walcha, Walcha Road, Wallabadah, Wandsworth, Warialda, Watercourse, Watsons Creek, Wee Waa, Weemelah, Wellingrove, Wenna, Werris Creek, West Tamworth, Westdale, Willala, Willow Tree, Winterbourne, Winton Nsw, Wollomombi, Wondoba, Wongo Creek, Wongwibinda, Woods Reef, Woolomin, Yallaroi, Yarrari, Yarrie Lake, Yarrowitch, Yarrowyck, Yatta
Australia Country Information
Exit Code: 0011
Total Population: 21,515,754
Continent: Oceania

How to call Australia from:
International Dialing Codes on How to Call to and from Australia
International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Australia
Australia Phone Numbers: +61 + Area Code + Local Number