Jamaica Phone Books
Jamaica Email Lookup
Jamaica White Pages
Lookup people in the Jamaica Phone Book (jamaicayp.com). Search by first and last name. Find people in the Jamaica white pages for phone numbers and addresses. Also, search for people by email address with a Jamaica reverse email search.
Jamaica Yellow Pages
Jamaica Phone Book (jamaicayp.com). Search by keyword, name of company, service, and location. Top Jamaica searches include- hotels, insurance, cars, banks, real estate, florists and more.
Find Jamaican businesses quick in the Jamaican Yellow Pages (jamaicanservices.com).Locate services such as cafes, hotels, plumbers, restaurants and more.
Jamaica Business Directory (yalwa.com.jm). Search by name, type, service or category, and choose location.
Flag of Jamaica
IAC + 1 + 876 + 7-digit local number
from abroad mobile:
+1 + 876 + 7-digit local number
from any city in Jamaica:
1 + 876 + 7-digit local number

How to call Kingston, Jamaica
from abroad landline:IAC + 1 + 876 + 7-digit local number
from abroad mobile:
+1 + 876 + 7-digit local number
from any city in Jamaica:
1 + 876 + 7-digit local number
Calling Jamaica from USA/Canada?
Dial: +1 + Phone Number
Calling Jamaica from other Countries?
Dial: IAC +1 + Phone Number
International Access Code: IAC is needed to dial out from a country.
Dial: +1 + Phone Number
Calling Jamaica from other Countries?
Dial: IAC +1 + Phone Number
International Access Code: IAC is needed to dial out from a country.
25 NANP Countries: Part of the North American Numbering Plan.
Jamaica Country Information
Jamaica Country Code: 1
Capital: Kingston
Language (most widely spoken): English
Electricity Type: 110 V, 50 Hz
Currency: Jamaican Dollar